Why Bathroom Remodeling is Not a DIY Job?

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A bathroom remodelling project is one of the best ways to improve the quality of life in your home, as well as its resale value. After all, it’s the first place you go to as a part of your morning routine, as well as the last place you visit before going to bed. On top of that, it’s likely to be the first place that a potential buyer will ask to see when taking a tour of your home (in a scenario where you’re actually selling).

Why Bathroom Remodeling is Not a DIY Job

The biggest problem is that this is a particularly expensive project. This is why people decide to cut costs by handling some of the remodelling aspects on their own. Needless to say, this is not necessarily the best of ideas. Here’s why bathroom remodelling is maybe not a DIY job.

1. The danger of causing leaks

When handling your plumbing as a DIY project, there’s always the risk of messing things up. A leak is far worse than it initially seems, seeing as how it poses a threat to other items in your bathroom. Wooden elements are especially affected, especially if you don’t notice it for a while. Why would you not notice it, you may ask? Well, you’re bound to turn off your valve while meddling with plumbing, which means that you won’t notice it right away. Now, what if you have to leave in the middle of the project?

Sure, it’s a nightmare scenario but a completely plausible one. Not to mention the fact that there are also electrical works involved. Power and plumbing in the hands of a layman are never a safe combination.

2. Missing your budget mark

This is more likely to happen than you would expect it to be. Why? Well, mostly because making an estimate of how much something you’ve never done is going to cost is not supposed to be simple, to begin with. Sure, when being charged by a professional, they include the cost of their own work into the mix, as one of the most expensive features. Nonetheless, it’s still easier to predict. You either fit in the budget or you don’t. You can also explore quality products from bathroom fitters Newham.

If you really want to lower the costs, you can try shopping around or changing the scope of your plans. However, going DIY just to save money might end up costing you more.

3. Mistakes are costly

Making mistakes here usually means completely ruining your plans for the foreseeable future. The way it usually goes is:

  • Step 1: You try to do something on your own in order to save money.
  • Step 2: Something goes horribly wrong.
  • Step 3: You either have no idea what happen or come to a realization that this is something you won’t be able to fix on your own.
  • Step 4: You end up calling the professional, either way.

Now, bear in mind that calling the professional after already messing up means that you’ll end up paying more than the initial price (that you’ve originally tried to avert). After all, now, they need to fix your mistakes and complete the remodelling (which has just become an even more challenging task). All of this can be avoided by just contacting help right away.

4. Causing too much damage

One of the aspects of remodelling that a lot of people don’t pay enough attention to is the concept of demolition. In order to build something new in place of some of your bathroom elements, you must first destroy some of the old fixtures.

According to experts behind renowned demolition services, the biggest problem with DIY demolition lies in the fact that laymen never know how much they can safely destroy. By causing more damage than you intended, you’ll make the process much more expensive, similar to what we described in the previous section. To always stay on the safe side, you might want to hire professionals.

5. Risk of an injury

One of the biggest mistakes when it comes to one’s idea of bathroom remodelling is that it’s not that dangerous. This is merely an illusion; a flaw of perception. You see, if we were talking about roofing, everyone would envision themselves falling off the roof, getting a heatstroke, etc. Plumbing is done indoors, with relatively safe tools, which makes people take it less seriously.

As we’ve already mentioned, there’s always the risk of electrocution present, seeing as how every serious bathroom remodelling project usually involves some electrical work. Even if you were to hire a professional to handle this aspect of the remodelling, there’s a myriad of ways in which you can injure yourself if you don’t know what you’re doing. No, this is not possible, it’s likely.

6. Help with the maintenance

By hiring a professional to handle the installation in question, you also have someone to call if things malfunction later on. If there’s a problem with one of your tiles, you call the person who installed them. As of lately, shower walls are more and more popular, which ensures that the area covered in tiles is even greater (and, therefore, an intervention more likely to be required). If there’s an electrical issue in question, you call the electrician who performed the works during the renovation.

In other words, you already have the contacts in question. It gets even better. You see, chances are that if the mistake is theirs, they’ll have a warranty of sorts. This means that you can save some money on this repair. If you’ve done the work yourself, you have no one to complain to, yet, you still have to handle this issue.

Lastly, it’s worth pointing out that if you have the remodelling done by professionals such as bathroom refurbishment hackney, a chance of something going wrong in subsequent weeks or months is substantially lower than if the DIY project took place. This too is a risk management aspect worth considering.

In conclusion

In the end, it’s important to put these things into the right perspective. Does this really save money if the risk of injury or making things worse is so high? Moreover, you need to understand that this is a one-time investment whose results affect your every day. In other words, it might not be something that you want to gamble with. All in all, it’s always safer to call a professional.

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