Benefits Of Recruiting Through Temp Agencies

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There are various ways to find personnel in the company. Basically, various Internet sites, specialized print publications, television and radio advertisements, posting vacancies in public transport, and friends and family recommendations are used. You can spend a lot of money, launch, but not achieve the desired result! These methods have pros and cons, yet each requires a professional approach to achieve the goal.

For example, recruiting personnel using specialized Internet resources significantly takes up the recruiter’s time. A lot of effort is required to search and analyze resume questionnaires on websites, select candidates, and conduct telephone interviews. Moreover, access to applicants’ databases and posting of vacancy announcements is carried out on a paid basis. With all this, it is difficult to find a really necessary person – you can “browse” through a thousand profiles but still not find a suitable one.

Benefits Of Recruiting Through Temp Agencies

Often, candidates are recommended by temp agencies, but you should take into account the fact that their task is to find a job seeker and not to select the employee you need.

Friends, relatives, and acquaintances recommend “in friendship” and, as a rule, not because of people’s professional qualities. Simultaneously, the circles and spheres of communication of the surrounding recommenders are limited, so you won’t be able to choose too much.

Recruiting Through Temp Agencies

Hiring temporary staff is becoming an increasingly popular practice in the modern world. It is difficult to overestimate the advantages that an employer receives by attracting an additional labor force but without increasing its own staff. The main ones include:

The easy adaptation of the workload

Many employers are familiar with the situation of a sharp (as a rule, seasonal) increase in sales – with an obligatory subsequent decline. Satisfying the increased purchasing activity is possible only by attracting additional working hands. Otherwise, there is a high risk of not coping with the flow of new customers and losing old ones. The quality of work of overworked employees inevitably decreases. With it, the quality of services and services provided by the company decreases. But it is the latter that directly affects customer loyalty.

Attracting temporary employees easily solves the problem of regulating the workload on key personnel. Simultaneously, there is no need to create new jobs in the staffing table or lay off employees, the need for which at the end of the season has disappeared. A temporary employee comes to the company for exactly the period as long as there is a need for him/her, and he/she is on the staff of the recruiting agency that provided him/her to the employer.

Replacement of staff members during a long absence

Almost any company has employees whose value does not need to be proven to the employer – they are reliable, hardworking, and loyal to change. However, a permanent employee often has to drop out of the work process for a long time. The most common reason is maternity leave, but there are others as well: long-term illness, caring for an elderly relative, military service, etc. However, it happens that even the employee’s annual leave becomes a problem.

Hiring a temporary employee easily solves this problem. The concept of “maternity rate” has long been included in the lexicon of personnel officers at large companies and has become commonplace for job seekers who want to gain professional experience in corporations where it is interesting and prestigious to work.

In addition, a temporary employee is an excellent option in cases where the employer is not sure about the need to introduce a new unit on the staff, as it provides a trial job.


A temporary worker’s economic efficiency is because he/she is on the recruiting agency staff, and the employing company pays for his/her work only according to the hours actually spent.

An important advantage of temporary staff is that all the work on the search, assessment, attraction, registration, and dismissal of such workers falls on the agency’s employees’ shoulders, not on the personnel officers and the employer’s accounting department. Tax deductions, compensations and benefits, registration of vacations, and sick leave also remain “overboard” of the work process. All this significantly saves the employer time and money. He/she, in turn, receives only what he/she really needs – the labor of an employee in its pure form.

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