Is It Morally Wrong To Share AI Auto-Generated Content Without Labelling It?

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Each day it seems like there are more developments and advances in the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and this clearly has businesses in industries everywhere paying close attention. If you are questioning the ways these advances will affect you, the possible impacts can feel a little unnerving.

Instead of getting overwhelmed with all the what-ifs, start by focusing on what AI can do right now. Here we will take a look at auto-generated content and how rules and morals come into play when using AI.

What is AI auto-generated content?

To start with, let’s look at what we mean by AI auto-generated content. This is machine-made content that AI software puts together from human search enquiries and pre-existing information. Unlike man-made content, AI auto-generated content can be created almost instantly, and there is no limit to how much you can ask it to produce.

As it uses keywords, phrases and topics to produce the content, it should work well for your SEO. It pulls information and ideas from already established and popular content to supposedly give you new and unique content each time.

Should you use AI auto-generated content for your business?

There are a number of pros and cons to AI auto-generated content for your business, the key is in what you are hoping to achieve, your budget and the quality you are looking for. The top pros include:

  • A quick turnaround on content
  • A low cost solution to bulk content
  • No worries about finding new ideas

These may look great, and can be in the right circumstances, but there are also downsides to AI auto-generated content. These include:

  • Inconsistent quality – some auto-generated content can be good but others can be bad, and this can hurt your business both by reputation and in your SEO
  • Plagiarism issues – as AI takes information already out there to create this content, there can be issues with plagiarism that come into play – the jury is still out on this but it’s better to wait until we know for sure before relying too heavily on AI
  • Not the best for SEO – while Google has recently stated that it will rank AI content if it provides value, right now it simply cannot compete with the best human-made content
  • You still need the human touch – or at least a human check. Uploading AI auto-generated content without checking it over is a recipe for disaster

As you can see there are both pros and cons to this type of content, so whether you choose to use it or not is really up to you.

If you are considering using AI to generate content simply because you don’t have time, you are far better off working with an SEO company in Dubai instead and allowing them to produce high-value content on your behalf.

Should you share it without labelling it?

When it comes to crediting content to a certain source, AI auto-generated content can be a bit of a grey area. It is wrong for content writers to pass off this machine-made content as their own. But if the company wants AI content, should they then make it clear to customers that it has been produced that way?

You aren’t technically doing anything wrong by sharing AI auto-generated content, but a degree of transparency should be given. People should know, for instance, if the product review they are reading came from a human or an AI.

So, is it morally wrong?

The answer will depend on the situation and your own morals, but most businesses would agree that it is indeed morally wrong to share content like this without letting people know. In a world where more and more content is likely to be created by machines, many people are dubious about the quality and legitimacy of the information they are being exposed to.

A content writer shouldn’t pass off machine-made content as their own, and nor should your business. If you want truly inspired, unique and creative content, you should still opt for human content writing – while leveraging AI to help with research and other, time-consuming administrative tasks that can hold a human back from writing at their full potential.

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