Are Rural Areas Still An Issue For Broadband?

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Many people take lightning-fast speeds for granted these days. However, it’s been made glaringly evident in recent years when your speeds aren’t exactly Zoom and online class worthy. These days, people are starting to depend on the internet for everyday activities more and more. Even in a rural area, your low speed may not simply be down to broadband problems.

Are Rural Areas Still An Issue For Broadband

So, are rural areas really a big issue for broadband speeds? Or are your slow internet speeds down to something else? Most rural areas now have broadband, even if this connection is slow and limited. So, let’s take a look at some tips to potentially boost your connection:

What is your best possible speed?

If you suspect your internet speeds are not up to par, a good first step in diagnosing the problem is checking your top speed. Internet services in any country are continuously upgrading, with top-speed broadband constantly getting rolled out in more and more rural locations. Because of this, the best speeds in your area may be much faster than when you first took out your current internet plan, too!

For an easy way to obtain this information, try using an online broadband availability checker. These broadband speed checkers are an easy way to find out what speed you can get in your area. Then, when you get the results, you can compare them to the speeds you are currently getting. Comparing these speeds will help you determine whether your current broadband connection is living up to what it should be.

What is your current speed?

Maybe it’s simply your rural connection. But maybe it’s something else. So, before comparing your speed with the other potential speeds, you’ll need to measure your current speed. You can find free broadband speed tests online.

Just search “broadband speed test,” and you’ll have information on the broadband upload and download speeds you’re currently getting in your home.

Where is your router?

You’ve probably thought of this, but because you have slow internet doesn’t necessarily mean your rural broadband connection is that slow. Another common reason for a slow internet connection at home is the poor positioning of your router. Depending on where your router is located, it may not be fully able to receive its connection.

Common things that cause interference include having your wireless router near another wireless device, such as your home phone, radio, speakers, or even your mobile phone. So, why not try putting your router in a different part of your home to see if this makes a difference to your speeds? Also, you may need a longer cable to move your router away from interfering devices.

Also, try opening any doors between your computer and the internet hub. You could even plug a cable directly into your computer for optimum speeds and zero interference! Find out more about the latest technology here.

Turn off excessive devices

Any time the internet gets slow, what’s the first thing everyone does? You dart around your home, looking for unused devices that might be using up your precious bandwidth, right? Thankfully, our internet connections can, most of the time, keep up with the streaming and gaming we love.

Unfortunately, however, rural internet connections often can’t keep up with these high-octane online activities – especially when multiple members of a rural broadband household are trying to engage in them simultaneously.

So, if your internet speed starts to wane, why not go around the house and disconnect any devices you aren’t currently using to boost your speed? You never know when a mobile phone might start downloading a humongous operating system update or a PC may start installing software and security patches.

Boost your connection in the home

Now that you’ve made sure that there is no interference from other devices in the home; maybe it is just the sheer size of or type of home you have that is preventing your connection from reaching some computers or devices at times.

You’re probably familiar with the hotspot function on your phone. This tool effectively allows you to turn your phone into another router. This function is usually used to share a mobile data connection with friends or family while out. However, some phones also allow you to use the mobile hotspot function with your internet.

If your connection is not reaching your device, why not use the mobile hotspot to boost your connection for some areas? You could use an old phone for this. It’s also possible to get hotspot or internet repeater devices, too. Some broadband suppliers offer these for free as part of their service if they notice internet black spots in your home while setting up your connection.

Upgrade your internet

If none of these strength troubleshooting tips helps your connection, rural or not, chances are your internet is due for an upgrade. Of course, you could only have taken out your current internet plan a year or two ago. But broadband is changing and coming on as fast as its current speed!

Maybe you’re still in the middle of an existing contract, but why not get in touch with your broadband provider and see if you can upgrade to a new router with the latest technology? Or, try out a superior third-party router. You can even get routers with Wi-Fi beamforming these days – this essentially functions as memory foam for your Wi-Fi connection. Check out this page for other ways to boost your connection.

Yes, rural areas are still an issue for broadband in many cases. Whether it’s their rugged terrain and geography or just underinvestment and little acknowledgment of those areas, many rural regions face a myriad of problems when it comes to getting a stable, fast, and reliable internet connection.

Some people living in rural areas rely on their phone’s internet connection, so the broadband availability in these areas is sparse. But nowadays, though it varies from country to country, most rural areas now have some form of broadband. So, try out these tips to see if you can boost your rural internet connection!

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