Top Tips To Increase Your GRE Quant Score

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You don’t need to be a math genius to score great in the GRE Quant! By following some basic tips and hacks, you can have better GRE scores within your grasp. Along with building a strong understanding of the course content, you need to follow the effective strategies to ensure that you get the best GRE Quant score possible. Let’s traverse through the top tips and strategies that will take your GRE Math practice to the next level.

Top Tips To Increase Your GRE Quant Score

Understand the underlying concepts

Never hurry on the word problems and make sure you really understand the root concepts of the question. A few words can astronomically change the meaning. Never be in a rush while solving these challenging questions. The math may seem fairly obvious in the question but you still spend some time familiarizing yourself with the translation tables.

Use the calculator smartly

Avoid using the calculator while practicing the GRE Quant questions unless you really need it. You can solve the GRE Quant questions within 1-2 minutes without using a calculator. You should not be too dependent on the calculator for every simple calculation. Only a couple of questions in the test would really require the use of a calculator. Practice doing the simple calculations in your head as it will save you a lot of time.

Do not spend more than 2 minutes on each question

Every quant section has around 20 questions and you are given only 35 minutes to solve them. You will be able to solve some of these questions in less than a minute and some will take more time. Guess strategically and move on to the next question if you are putting more than 2 minutes on a question.

Examine all the available info on Quant Comp Questions

Consider all the key variables, numbers, or phrases from the question and jot them on the scratchpad. Comp questions need more alertness and are a tad different from the Problem Solving questions. These questions often do not require the usage of maths. Therefore, you must approach the question strategically and read the question very carefully.

Backsolve to ensure the correctness in a numerical answer

If there are numbers in the answer choices, a great strategy to check your work can be backsolving. Read the answer choices and put each one into the problem and you’ll easily find the correct answer based on your calculations.

Do not experiment much with your methods

GRE Quant section includes the questions of different difficulty levels. Always be methodical in your approach and do not leave your proven strategies when there’s a question you are finding difficult to solve. Evaluate the problem from all perspectives and before concluding whether you should do the math traditionally or use any specific method.

Analyze the graphs and tables thoroughly: In the data interpretation questions, avoid rushing to solve the problem. Examine the labels, title, units, and write down the general trends of the data in prior. Analyze exactly how do the variables are correlated and what are the possible conclusions you can draw from the available information. Once you have a complete grasp of the data presented, you will easily know where you can find the right answer.

Break down the complicated figures into smaller shapes: Difficult questions of geometry have circles within squares and triangles hidden in the quadrilaterals. Find ways to apply the available information from one shape to another. You can also redraw the figures on your scratchpad if you want to label everything.

Following all the above tips requires tons of practice and therefore, it is essential that you take practice tests and try solving the questions in a timed setting. Every time you are solving questions, make certain that you have a stopwatch available to you. Bounding yourself in time will keep you on your toes and will prepare you for the test conditions. You must also learn when you should stop wasting time on a tough question and move on. All this will only happen when you are used to solving questions in a timed setting, similar to the test day environment.

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Keep all the above tips in mind, prepare yourself best for the GRE, and ace the test like a pro. All the best!

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