The Value of Accurate Patient Identification During COVID-19

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The ongoing global pandemic has placed a high amount of burden and stress on the entire healthcare industry, from the limited availability of ICUs and a lack of sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE) to a short supply of testing and reporting systems.

In light of the pandemic that has caused 542,000 deaths as of March 22 in the United States alone, patient identification might not seem like a high priority issue. In reality, the virus has exhibited just how crucial it is.

The Value of Accurate Patient Identification During COVID-19

Insufficient patient identifier data such as contact numbers, addresses, and other critical ID information has caused inaccurate use of drugs and substantial delays in alerting patients who tested positive, halting the ability to control the spread of the deadly virus. Without an adequate patient identification policy, hospitals, pharmacies, and other healthcare service providers also face the threat of frauds such as false insurance claims and the issuance of OTC drugs to minors.

Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, the healthcare sector can enhance itself through proper “Know Your Patient” practices and advanced digital identity verification tools. Let’s take a look at the KYP process and how it protects the medical sector from countless frauds.

Know Your Patient

Ever wondered why medical service providers require patients to show their identity documents before administering the treatment?

The medical staff has to identify patient in the same way as financial institutions identify customers through the “Know Your Customer” (KYC) process when users apply for a loan or have to open an account.

There are numerous reasons why healthcare institutions require identity verification from patients, particularly in the era of COVID-19. For instance, to safeguard medical data kept on an online database, to avert insurance fraud, and to secure the patient’s digital identity.

– The KYP Process

For accurate patient identity verification online, the Know Your Patient (KYP) process can be performed in the following steps:

  1. The patient uploads an image of an official ID document through a webcam for the verification process to begin. Valid ID documents include but are not confined to, a government-issued ID card, driver’s license, utility bill, passport, etc.
  2. A live selfie has to be uploaded by the patient to create a 3D face map. This is an essential step for ensuring that the patient is actually who they claim to be, as the picture provided is verified in real-time.
  3. The documents provided are analyzed to ensure that they are original and valid. The selfie provided is also cross-matched with the picture present on the official ID documents.
  4. Age verification is also carried out to guarantee that the patient meets the minimum age requirements. This helps in verifying minors before they are prescribed any medical drugs.
  5. A background check can also be run against the documents provided to identify any fraudulent activity that the patient might have partaken in.
  6. After an accurate evaluation of the results and verification of the patient’s identity, medical service providers can accept or reject telehealth services, online medical services, and the supply of medicines.

How KYP Overcomes Real-world Challenges

Advances in online identity verification and biometric technology have ensured that health care can be provided in a convenient and cost-effective way. Some real-world challenges that can be overcome through efficient implementation of KYP through online identity verification solutions are listed below:

1. Prescribing Drugs Online

Growing regulations have made it mandatory for online pharmacies to verify patient identity prior to providing prescriptions. For example, in the UK, online pharmacies have to conduct age verification according to the latest guidance by the GPhC (General Pharmaceutical Council). Through the KYP process, healthcare institutions can easily stay in compliance with regulatory authorities.

2. Minor Protection

In the event a drug has to be prescribed online, the pharmacist is required to implement a process of age verification. This is considered compulsory in order to ensure legitimate patients are onboarded and to prevent underage users from getting their hands on unauthorized drugs – which could prove to be fatal.

3. Insurance Fraud

A fraudster may use someone else’s name and health insurance ID to consult a physician, receive prescription drugs, or file for false claims with the insurance provider. Once this happens, the actual patient’s medical history, insurance claim, and payment records are majorly disrupted. Furthermore, when the identity and privacy of a patient are compromised, not only does the victim face financial challenges, but the healthcare institution has to deal with false claims on top of related legal fees. With the help of a digital identity verification solution, the KYP process is automated and fraudulent activities can be kept at bay.

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