Selling Products Online For Your Small Craft Store

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Owning a small business can be tricky. When you run a small craft store, you fight against large competitors like Hobby Lobby and Michael’s. If you want to profit around these larger companies, you must adapt your business to include an online component. Your site needs to be functional and aesthetically pleasing to draw in the most clients possible. If you include the following tips, you have an even greater chance of success.

Selling Products Online For Your Small Craft Store

Take High-Quality Product Photos

The first step to selling craft supplies online is taking high-quality product photos. Because your clients buy supplies off your website rather than in person, your product images are one of their only identifiers. If customers can’t tell the fabric patterns or paint brush sizes through your photos, the confusion could overrule the convenience of online shopping. To combat this, ensure every image you upload to your website is crystal clear and represents the product.

Along with uploading accurate product photos, you must include descriptions under each listing. For instance, if you do fabric eCommerce on your site, every listing should include a description of both the texture and thread count of the fabric. The same thing goes for other craft supplies. When you add vivid descriptions, your customers know exactly what they’re purchasing. By making each product listing descriptive, you’ll encourage more business on your website.

Inform Your Buyers About Yourself

The second step to selling craft supplies online is informing your buyers about yourself. One of the main draws of buying from small businesses is the personal touch. When you create your website, include a synopsis about yourself and your crafting history. If you do some crafts yourself, add a little blurb about the things you make. Informing your buyers about yourself and your backstory adds a bit of personal flair to your shop. Clients feel like they know you, so they’re more likely to buy your products.

Similarly, your website should include a section for customer feedback. When clients can reach out to you, they feel more included in your business. Because one of the primary draws of small businesses is a more one-on-one connection, feedback opportunities are essential. While no business owner wants to sift through Yelp reviews or client messages on the website, these little messages give vital insight into the inner workings of your business. By offering feedback and information about yourself, you can promote connections between you and your customers.

Make Your Site Mobile-Compatible

The third way to improve your online selling for your craft store is to make your site mobile-compatible. Nowadays, most people shop online from their smartphones rather than on a computer. When your website is compatible with mobile devices, you get access to more shoppers and revenue that you wouldn’t have otherwise. Clients can order craft supplies on the go, whether they’re professional artisans or just someone looking for a weekend project.

It’s not enough to have a mobile-compatible site. Alongside your website being functional on smartphones and tablets, you should ensure that ordering and feedback systems work seamlessly. While displaying your products on mobile allows customers to choose the items they need, ordering on the go reduces stress and frustration for everyone who clicks on your website. The easier you make your clients’ lives, the more likely they’ll be to shop with you over a large company.

Offer Coupons and Discounts

Finally, offering coupons and discounts will help you sell more craft products online. The first way to effectively push coupons is to present them for in-store purchases. If you have a set discount that’s only downloadable online, you can drive clients to your physical location. Additionally, pushing customers to your storefront increases the likelihood of impulse purchases at the counter.

The second way to push coupons is by offering online purchase discounts. If you want to boost your online component, provide deals on either individual products or total purchases. These discounts will encourage customers to use your website, effectively generating more traffic and getting you more profit with every click. Whether you prefer in-person coupons or online, offering discounts will bring in more revenue for you and your small craft business.

In summary, running a small craft store requires an online component. When your website is productive, you can generate more foot traffic and bring more revenue every day.

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