Resume Writing Services: What Are The Options?

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Job seekers who are new to the process of writing a resume have a lot of questions. Should I create my own resume or go with one of those high-priced, professional resume services? Does it matter if the job I’m applying for is entry-level or management? Where can I find templates that will fit all types of resumes?

Resume Writing Services: What Are The Options?

If you’re like most people, these questions about your best choice for hiring a professional to write your resume sound like they’re written in some impenetrable foreign language. Don’t worry. The purpose of this article is to answer all of these questions, and to take you step by step through the process of finding, interviewing and hiring a top-notch resume writer.

Resume Options

The short answer is that there are two types of resume writing services: online and in-person.

Online services offer a few different options for the type of resume service they provide: they can either write a traditional or “perfect” resume or write a “functional” resume for those in transition.
Also can provide a resume critique, which is a free service.

In-person services are more difficult to find, but finding one in your area is definitely possible. Furthermore, in-person services are more affordable.

What Is The Best Type of Resume?

Functional resumes are best suited for employees who have a few related experiences but do not have a single career to describe. These resumes highlight experience by job title and responsibilities rather than the employee’s personal or professional history. If you are trying to get your foot in the door somewhere, this is likely the best option.

The traditional resume is best if you are already employed and your goal is to get another job in a different organization. These resumes highlight the history of an individual’s specific career, “back to school and back to work” types of resumes are also considered traditional.

The perfect resume is a combination of both styles. It takes the bullet point format from functional resumes but includes a chronology and more information about accomplishments and qualifications.

If you are not sure which resume type is best for you, some services will allow you to test drive a few different styles before deciding which is best for your needs.

Do You Need a Professional Resume Writer?

A professional resume writer does not need to be hired to write a resume, but unless you have experience writing resumes, it may be best to seek the help of someone trained in this field.

Also have to be hired to review your resume, which can be done online.

If you are switching careers, do not have much work experience, have been at a job for a long length of time, or have an unusual career path, it is almost always best to find someone specializing in writing resumes in your field. Furthermore, many services offer resume review sessions, which help to iron out any errors that you will find when reviewing your resume with a professional.

If you have the budget for a professional, now is a good time to invest in the education necessary to become a professional.

What Type of Resumes Can I Write Myself?

The answer is that you can write a functional resume by yourself if you want! However, if you want to gain more professional credibility, it is always best to spend a little money and hire someone specializing in resumes.
Just make sure that you have the right resume service for your needs–there are many companies out there, and some may specialize in higher education or banking, so research what type of service they specialize in.

How to Choose a Professional Resume Writer

Bing is an excellent resource for researching different resume writing services. You can browse local businesses and even find links to official sites with reviews and testimonials from past clients.

ResumeGolf, Resume Genius, and Careerbuilder are three websites that allow you to do the same research types. Furthermore, they are all free, giving you a chance to view various services in your area without paying anything.

Although there are different types of resume writing services, the one you should choose depends on your goals. First of all, you need to determine what kind of resume service is perfect for you. The article above was written to help you do that.

Secondly, you have to take into consideration your experience and the kind of experience you want your resume to show. If it is an entry-level job, it would be best to create a functional resume. When you are looking for good service, make sure that the writing services you choose are reputable. This is the easiest way to determine whether they will help you or not.

Finally, you need to take into consideration your budget. You don’t have to go with the most expensive services; some people decide to spend less on service because it is less convenient.

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