How to Get Best Results From Services of Hair Transplant Specialists?

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Hair transplant treatment has to be availed in a timely manner. It is the ultimate hair loss solution which is diagnosed by the trichologist by conducting several tests. Since every patient has unique skin type and different patterns of hair loss, hence, the hair transplant needs to be properly conducted too. The degree of hair loss, eligibility of person for surgery and allergies are some of the aspects which get considered by the doctors before recommending the type of hair transplant surgery. This surgical technique is totally safe and has minimal side effects. However, if you still feel it could be risky in terms of side effects, it is recommended to consult experts regarding the matter to get full understanding about the same. You may want to go to this website to easily reach out to the health professionals online these days through the best digital healthcare platforms like Numan. But, the whole idea is to help individual regain confidence with the fuller hair look. Let us understand the various segments and stages carried out by hair transplant specialists for better understanding.

How to Get Best Results From Services of Hair Transplant Specialists

Assessment before hair transplant surgery

It is apparent that symptoms, hair thinning, hair loss condition, stages of hair loss and various aspects experienced by patients are variable. In order to finalize the best treatment for an individual, it becomes crucial to understand the clinical history. The duration of hair loss, difference in hairline, skin biopsy and pre-operative assessment is scheduled after the consultation. This assessment is intended at recording the exact causes of hair loss. As a part of this procedure, the patient’s scalp is examined along with the discussion of his preferences of hair transplant surgery are lined up. Based on the expectations of the hair transplant treatment shared by the person, the surgeon briefs him about the potential. In case, the patient is eligible for the surgery, preparation of hair graft, type of surgery and the sessions included in the treatment are highlighted by the hair transplant specialist.

Types of Hair Transplant Surgery

The particular type of hair transplant surgery to be performed depends on the assessment. The surgeon has to investigate the entire history of hair fall, hair thinning and hair loss before drawing any inference. Following are the popular types of hair transplant surgery which offer definite result for hair loss:

Follicular Hair Transplantation (FUT) or strip harvesting

Hair follicles from different parts of body like face, legs or arms are removed as a part of this hair transplant procedure and thereby, they are planted on the bald patch of the scalp. In this treatment, the hair transplant specialist ensures that skin strips with healthy hair growth are properly planted on the hairless portions of the scalp with precision. In fact, FUT or strip harvesting is the most common procedure of hair transplant adopted by the doctors. However, a minor scar may be witnessed after the treatment which is likely to be recovered within few weeks.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

In this process of hair transplant, follicular units are removed by offering local anaesthesia to the patient. To ensure each part of the transplantation is carried out with precision, fine needles and micro blades are used by the surgeon to make incisions in the specified area of the scalp. Hair grafts are planted in a very practical manner to lend natural hairline to the patient. The technique results in unnoticeable scarring and that’s why it’s preferred by most individuals. If you wish to undergo an FUE hair transplant in London, first consult a professional hair transplant surgeon to know whether you’re an ideal candidate. The hair transplant specialist might recommend a few short sessions to complete the procedure. On the other hand, in some cases, the treatment may be completed in one long session depending on the surgeon’s expertise, patient’s characteristics and speed of planting hair grafts.

Steps involved in Hair Transplant Surgery:

  1. Preparing patient for the hair transplant surgery:  Hair follicles from the back of the scalp are removed and relocated on the bald area as a part of this step.
  2. Trimming the donor area – Hair of donor area are trimmed in this segment.
  3. Preparing donor area for the surgery – Local anaesthesia is given to the patient to prepare donor area for hair transplant surgery.
  4. Removing the tissue from the donor area and suturing the donor area – The tissue is removed from the donor area which comprises of bald resistant hair follicles. After the removal of these hair follicles, donor area is sutured.
  5. Adjusting the hair properly on the sutured area – Patient’s hair are used to cover the sutured area. The hair transplant specialist removes the suture in approximately ten days after the surgery.
  6. Trimming donor tissue in follicular unit grafts – Follicular unit grafts are prepared by the technical experts by using microscopes according to the instructions of the hair transplant specialist.
  7. Preparing the bald area for incisions – The balding area gets ready for hair transplant surgery in addition to this, no trimming or hair removal is required by this time.
  8. Placing the grafts according to their density – After preparing the bald area for the surgery, follicular unit grafts are placed in an uneven manner on the recipient area after making tiny incisions.

What happens after the hair transplant surgery?

After the hair transplant surgery, tiny incisions are visible on the operated area of the patient. Moreover, the marks of incision are likely to heal in a natural manner. In terms of rashes, it can be stated that they disappear within a week. The results offered by the hair transplant surgery are variable, but, certainly a source of regaining confidence for the person who has undergone the procedure. After the treatment, the hair transplant specialist advise patients to keep the scalp protected from sun as well as infections. Some people are allowed to shampoo after two to three days after the surgery. However, this totally depends on the condition of the scalp after the surgery. Antibiotics are recommended to the patients to avoid discomfort and experience faster healing.

What are the post-operative measures offered by hair transplant specialist?

For better healing and less pain, the surgeons recommend the patient to take care of wound on the scalp regularly. It further includes semi-permeable dressing which needs to be applied as well as changed daily. The hair transplant specialist also recommends the individual to shampoo scalp after the treatment as it is effective in preventing the formation of scabs around the hair shaft.

These scabs can lead to the chances of losing newly transplanted hair, hence, regular shampooing is the best post-operative care to be considered by the patients. It is important to note that healthy hair regrowth is a phenomenal process which takes over 6-9 months after the hair transplant surgery to show visible results. Nevertheless, the patients should always consult the doctor if there is severe discomfort or unexpected condition witnessed in the treated area of the scalp.

Self-care tips after hair transplant surgery

  • Ask for the proper medication from the doctor and complete dosage to be followed
  • Apply ice above eyebrows to prevent swelling
  • Being gentle while washing hair for at least 5 days after the treatment is important
  • A cup should be used to rinse scalp
  • Head should remain elevated while sleeping for better healing
  • Conditioner must be applied to the scalp if itching is experienced

Frequently Asked Questions about hair transplant surgery

Q1) How can I decide if I am eligible for hair transplant surgery?

Ans) Hair transplant surgery is suitable for you if your scalp and hair loss examination offer the positive results. In simple words, the hair transplant specialist recommends the surgery after understanding your case history of hair loss. The reason behind hair loss, extent and the prospects of operating your scalp are all observed after the consultation. If everything goes well, then, doctor explains the process of hair transplant surgery and prepares the schedule for the same.

Q2) Does hair transplant session complete in one session?

Ans) Even though, the hair transplant surgery generally gets completed in few hours, but, the level of hair loss also influences the results. In fact, if the bald area which needs to be operated upon is too large, then, surgeon takes few sessions to complete the hair transplant surgery.

Q3) Is it normal for hair to fall out after a few days of the hair transplant surgery?

Ans) Yes, absolutely! The shedding of hair within a week or ten days after the hair transplant surgery is normal. However, after a period of 3-4 months, you can witness the hair growth again. Basically, after the temporary shedding phase, the hair follicles tend to develop their characteristics leading to healthy growth.

Q4) Is hair transplant surgery painful?

Ans) The hair transplant surgery is carried out under the anaesthesia which means you will not realize the pain of the treatment. The notable fact is if the surgeon finds that numbness in the area to be operated is being lost, another dosage gets injected to retain the impact of anaesthesia throughout the hair transplant surgery.

Q5) Is hair transplant expensive?

Ans) The price charged by the hair transplant specialist depends on various factors ranging from the level of hair loss, number of graft being used, the number of sessions and density of hair you are looking for after the treatment to characteristics of the patient. After assessing all these facets during the consultation, the fee of hair transplant surgery is decided by the doctor.

Q6) Is there any role of technology in hair transplant surgery?

Ans) In the modern times, technology has touched each aspect of medical science. In the case of hair transplant surgery as well, the state of art equipment powered by effective mechanism is used by the clinics to offer sure-shot results. From incision, preparation of grafts, digital microscopes and other advanced equipment play a crucial role in making the operation of hair transplant specialist successful.

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