6 Ways to Create Topic Ideas For SEO Content

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Writing new content is your way of signaling Google and other search engines that your business and domain are active, useful to online readers, and constantly evolving to match searcher intent.

However, it’s not that easy to brainstorm and execute creative topic ideas over a prolonged period of time. Over time, your writers and marketing team will see a level of ideation fatigue. And if you’re not able to write and maintain relevant content, then you’re handicapping your search engine optimization (SEO) marketing plans.

6 Ways to Create Topic Ideas For SEO Content

So, to help you ignite your lightbulb once again here’s a list of ways on how to create topic ideas for your SEO content, or read more about this tool:

1. Find Ideas on Quora

Quora is a huge forum where users ask questions about everything under the sun. Thus, it is also a great source for content writers wanting to find a specific topic that’s relevant to their users.

You simply type in the industry you’re in or search for a topic that your readers may be interested in. You’ll start finding questions you can easily turn into content. Besides all the ideas, you can then answer the specific question where you get the inspiration by pointing people to your written article.

2. Google Search Suggestions

If you have a general topic in mind, Google it. Then, look at all the suggested topic ideas that come up. These suggestions can be good topics to cover. Furthermore, you can also take a look at the search suggestions at the bottom of the page.

This is a good strategy since you already know that the topics should be relevant to your users. Plus, it’s safe to assume that these new titles are SEO-friendly because you obtained them right from Google.

3. Check on Your Social Media Followers

Your social followers can also hint to you the perfect topics to write about. Check on the people who follow you on your social platform. Visit their profile and see what they are talking about.

Check on Your Social Media Followers

Check out photos, read through tweets, and see what brands they’re interacting with. While most of these will lead to a dead-end, others can be quite beneficial to your brainstorming process.

Or you could directly ask your followers. Simply post a question on your Facebook or Instagram story. Engaged fans will definitely give you an answer you can use for your new content.

4. Check Out Blog Comments

Reviewing and responding to blog comments engages your audience and allows you to create a relationship with them.

However, these comments can also be a great source of inspiration for topic ideas you can write about in the future. If users ask questions in your comment section, these questions can be used as titles for new topics. You only need to tweak a few words in order to make it SEO-friendly.

Regardless of what your users comment about, you can generate at least a few ideas from this section of each post that you publish. The best thing about this is that you have a nearly never-ending source. As long as you keep publishing new blog posts, there will always be new topic ideas hidden in the comment section.

5. Spy on Your Competitors

One of the best ways to come up with a good list of topics is to check your competitor’s blog. There’s nothing wrong with re-phrasing their titles and using their concepts for idea generation.

This offers a huge advantage since you can try to make better content about the same topic. In addition, you can also look at other aspects of their site. Look through the comments section. Do they have a ‘frequently asked questions’ (FAQ) page? These questions can provide you ideas for new content to write.

6. Revisiting Published Content

Your old content from years ago shouldn’t be forgotten. You can use these to generate new topics too!

You simply need to re-work the titles and write newer content from a different angle. For instance, if you have an old post on how to find a suitable personal loan, you can take some of the content from that post and write a new one about the best personal loans to try.

Also, if you have an old post with outdated research, then you can write a new one with updated information.


And there you have it! Hopefully, this short list sets you up for strong content planning this year.

Although you may suffer from lack of inspiration or writer’s block from time to time, you should never have a hard time coming up with new topic ideas. Remember, there are many resources at your disposal. Learn to take advantage of them to proactively plan your marketing campaigns.

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