5 Ways to Get More Traffic and Improve Your Website Rank

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Since you have infinite options available to drive traffic to your site, it can confuse you at times. Website traffic is not only an important indicator but also a driver for business growth.

It allows you to gather insights about your audience and make decisions. If there is good traffic on your website, it also increases the search engine visibility and improves your SEO.

With traffic, you’ll be able to generate more leads and increase conversions. Traffic is also an important indicator that tells you whether or not your marketing strategy worked.

5 Ways to Get More Traffic and Improve Your Website Rank

You can drive traffic through different channels like – blogging, on-page SEO, social media, online ads, and online directory listings. What’s more, by driving organic traffic to your website, you can also improve your website’s ranking on the search result.

Ways to Get More Traffic and Improve Your Website Rank

1. Focus on Relevant Content

There is no substitute for great content. Content quality is the most popular ranking factor for search engines. When you create good content that is intended for your targeted audience, it also improves your site’s authority and relevance.

  • When writing content, you also need to identify and target specific keyword phrases for each post and page on your site.
  • For multiple keyword ranking, you’ll need to make a separate web page for each keyword phrase you are targeting.
  • Once you choose the keyword phrase, use it in the page URL, page title, and headings.

The whole process should be natural and user friendly. Don’t overstuff keywords in your posts or titles as that’ll affect the ranking of your website.

  • For optimizing content, use LSI keywords. Ensure relevant and targeted keywords are added to the opening & closing para as well as throughout the article.
  • Use bold and italics heading tags with H1 context.
  • Use bullets to enhance readability.
  • Also, your writing style should be user-focussed as the best pages are written for the audience and not search engines.

When you keep this in mind, you’ll get a good ranking in SERP. Furthermore, update your content regularly as updated content is the best indicator of a website’s relevancy.

2. Have a Link-worthy site and use Metadata

Always focus on creating relevant links within the content you post on your website.

  • Don’t use ‘click here’ as it adds no search engine value beyond the attached URL.
  • Instead include a descriptive anchor text.

When you use descriptive anchor text with keywords, it will improve search engine ranking and your site’s performance. It will also help optimize the web page.

When you design your website, each web page contains space between the <head> tags to insert the information about the contents of your page. You’ll need to add updated Metadata every time you make changes to your website.

  • The title Metadata is displayed at the top of your browser window as the headline in the results of the search engine.
  • The description tag or data is the content that the search engine uses to describe what the page is about.

The description part should be concise and appealing as that will help improve the click-through-rate. Also, stick to the recommended characters for the title tag, up to 60 characters and for description, up to 150 characters. This can vary according to Google updates.

3. Post on Social Media Platforms and include Hashtags

Social Media platforms are free marketing tools you can use to increase traffic on your website.

  • Use Facebook as a sharing platform to increase your user engagement and add links to the posts.
  • Use Instagram for increasing your reach.
  • LinkedIn can be used to promote your blogs to the target audience and increase your network.

Social media audience can be turned into website visitors if you optimize the potential of social media sites. Instagram influencer marketing will help you to reach the right people and increase your visibility in search ranking.

When you promote your posts or site on social media channels, you also need to use the right hashtags. It’s no use promoting the post without hashtags; as on Twitter, people will reach your website through hashtags.

  • If you want to target a particular audience, you need to use the right hashtags.
  • Not only Twitter, but hashtags are also important for Facebook and Instagram marketing.
  • Hashtags can extend your reach beyond a particular network, and you’ll get discovered by people who’re searching for your services or products.

The more you share your content, the more traffic you’ll get on your site which would increase ranking.

4. Start Email Marketing and use Landing Pages

Start sending emails to your customers as it’s a great way to get traffic to your site. When you regularly send newsletters and emails to your customers, you’re more connected to them.

  • Through emails, you need to provide links and useful information to pages on your site where they will get to know more about the product or the service.
  • Use an engaging subject line and keep your mail short.
  • Also, don’t continuously send out emails to your customers or they’ll unsubscribe you.

Landing pages can be a free source of traffic to your website. These pages are specific to offers like discounts, a free guide, or starting a free trial. They contain all the details that a user needs to focus on the specific call-to-action.

5. Guest Blogging and Online Directories

Guest blogging is the best marketing tactic where you can write for other blogs with a link back to your website.

  • It will encourage more referral traffic and backlinks.
  • It will increase brand awareness.
  • You could ask the influencers to mention your blog in their round-up posts.
  • You can also have an expert or industry influencer publish a blog post on your site, which will help drive traffic through organic search and add more variety to your content.

Many directories have a strong domain authority on Google, so you can rank higher for relevant searches. To get more traffic, you need to get your website listed in online directories. For most of these profiles, your site will have a link to your website. So when you update these listings, you’ll get more positive reviews on your site, which will increase ranking.


Final Thoughts,

Make sure that your website is responsive and mobile-friendly. Google considers a mobile-friendly website as a ranking factor. A faster loading time will also affect traffic. If your website takes more than three seconds to load, then the users will leave your site.

Examine your Analytics data and plan accordingly. Carry out a website audit so that you know where you’re are going wrong.

You can also submit your content to aggregator sites and include video marketing. The right engagement will drive traffic and rank your site higher in SERP.

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