Treatment of Arthrosis of Various Joints with Fly Agaric

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Arthrosis, a common degenerative joint disease, often results in pain and decreased mobility for those affected. Traditional treatments vary, but an emerging approach involves the use of fly agaric, a type of mushroom known for its unique properties. This article explores the use of fly agaric in treating arthrosis of various joints, focusing on its application, forms, and precautions.

treatment of arthrosis of various joints with fly agaric

Understanding Fly Agaric

Fly agaric, scientifically known as Amanita muscaria, is a mushroom recognized by its bright red cap with white spots. Historically, it has been used in various cultures for its psychoactive properties. Recently, however, attention has turned to its potential in treating ailments like arthrosis due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Fly Agaric in Arthrosis Treatment

Arthrosis affects joints, leading to pain and stiffness. Fly agaric’s compounds have been found to possess qualities that may alleviate these symptoms. It is believed that microdosing with fly agaric can help manage pain and inflammation associated with arthrosis.


Microdosing involves taking small, controlled doses of a substance. With fly agaric, this approach is crucial due to its potent nature. Microdosing allows individuals to experience the therapeutic benefits without facing significant psychoactive effects. It’s important to follow dosing guidelines carefully to avoid adverse reactions.

Forms of Fly Agaric for Treatment

Dried Fly Agaric: This is the simplest form of the mushroom. Dried fly agaric can be consumed in small pieces or ground into powder. It’s crucial to ensure the drying process is done correctly to maintain its properties.

  1. Fly Agaric Caps: The caps of the fly agaric mushroom are considered to have concentrated beneficial properties. Using just the caps helps in standardizing doses and focuses on the most potent parts of the mushroom.
  2. Fly Agaric in Capsules: For ease of use and precise dosing, fly agaric is also available in capsule form. This method is preferred for those who might be sensitive to its taste or smell.
  3. Powder: Fly agaric powder offers a versatile way to incorporate the mushroom into one’s diet. It can be added to food or drinks, although care must be taken to measure the correct dose.

Buying Fly Agaric

While fly agaric can be found in the wild, it’s crucial to source it from reliable providers to ensure purity and safety. One can buy fly agaric at Mushroom Holistic website, a trusted source known for its quality products.
Precautions and Side Effects

While fly agaric shows promise in treating arthrosis, it’s not without risks. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, especially one involving substances like fly agaric. Side effects can include nausea, dizziness, and in higher doses, hallucinogenic effects. It’s also important to source the mushroom from reputable suppliers to avoid contamination with toxic varieties.


The use of fly agaric in the treatment of arthrosis represents a novel approach that blends traditional knowledge with modern applications. As research continues, it may become a more mainstream option for those seeking alternative treatments for joint pain. However, the utmost caution and responsible use are essential due to the potent nature of the mushroom. As always, consultation with healthcare professionals is recommended before beginning any new treatment regimen.

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