Top 4 Skin Care Treatments for Anti-Aging Purposes

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Noticed a few fine lines becoming more visible on your skin recently? Feeling your skin start to sag, without the fullness and bounciness that it once had? Don’t worry, unlike what most individuals are led to be, it can not only get worse. Instead, there are definitely ways for you to improve or retain your current skin condition!

Top 4 Skin Care Treatments for Anti-Aging Purposes

To help you preserve your skin and retain its health, below are the top five skin care treatments for anti-aging purposes!

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Collagen Stimulants

Collagen is one of the most important proteins in our body and plays a key role in ensuring our skin remains healthy, wrinkle-free, tight and smooth. Unfortunately, despite its significant benefits for the body, internal collagen production naturally decreases as you age, resulting in effects such as sagging or drooping skin, age spots and fine lines.

Collagen stimulants can be injected into your body to help encourage your body to produce more of the protein. Rather than injecting collagen itself into the body, collagen stimulants may have a longer lasting effect by helping with the body’s own internal collagen production. However, collagen stimulants may be more expensive than most other anti-aging skin care treatments and may also be more difficult to find and undergo.

Collagen Supplements

Unlike collagen stimulants which encourage the body to produce more collagen, collagen supplements simply make up for the lack of collagen in the body. Collagen supplements are a much more simple type of anti-aging skin care treatment, as individuals simply have to swallow pills and wait for the supplement’s effects.

Despite being incredibly convenient, collagen supplements do come however with several downsides – such as long-term accumulated costs and short term results. In order to upkeep your skin’s healthy condition, you will need to consistently take collagen supplements for the long term and this may become unsustainable, especially if you suffer from the side effects of collagen supplements.

PDO Mono Threads

PDO Mono threads are a type of anti-aging skin care which involves the insertion of small and fine needles into the subdermal lawyers of the skin in order to stimulate collagen prosecution. Much like collagen stimulants, pdo thread lift San Diego focus on revitalising the skin and adding structure to it, by encouraging the body to produce more collagen.

Liquid Facials

Similar to botox, liquid facials involve the injection of fillers into the face to stretch the skin and get rid of any marks, wrinkles and fine lines. However, unlike botox, liquid facials are made to look as natural as possible, and employ the use of certain techniques to make sure that the face does not look plastic nor stiff, and still has movement.

In addition to stretching the skin of your face and making sure wrinkles do not form, the fillers injected into the skin during liquid facials may also help to relax the muscles to create a lifted look. These fillers also may also have a few beneficial side effects such as reducing sweating, reducing redness and flushness and smoothing out the skin texture.

If you are looking to learn more about the top anti-aging skin care treatments, be sure to check out EnVogue Skin for more expert information! Head over to Victorian Dermal Group if you are interested in professional skin treatment.

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