Parkinson Disease Care

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James Parkinson described Parkinson’s disease in 1817. People believed that Parkinson’s disease appeared due to of the industrial revolution but they were wrong. 5000 years ago, it also existed in the Ayurveda which is an ancient Indian medical system. Age is the biggest reason of the disease. On the other hand, 10 out of 1 patient develop the disease before the age of 50. Those people are genetically unlucky because one gene cause the disease. People who get professional elderly care can continue their life without any vital problem.

Parkinson Disease Care

Many of the symptoms are due to a loss of neurons that produce a dopamine hormone in the structure called black substance. When dopamine levels diminish, it causes abnormal brain activity, leading to impaired movement and other symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms usually appear slowly throughout the years. They are mainly movement-related problems including stiffness, being shaky, difficulty walking and coordination. Also, Parkinson’s may cause neuropsychiatric problems such as depression, anxiety and dementia. It is possible to have a good daily life for someone with Parkinson’s disease. Most importantly, awareness about the disease may make a difference. Your doctor and scientific readings provide the best possible benefit.

Parkinson’s Solution

The solution of Parkinson’s disease is not certain, the disease itself is not mortal, the complications of the disease can be vital. The problem is; there is no existing cure and treatment options including medications and surgery. Medications can often reduce your complaints significantly. They aim to increase the dopamine levels in the and regress the main symptoms. The most common surgical application to treat the motor-related symptoms of the disease is deep brain stimulation. Apart from the medical applications, lifestyle changes are always recommended. Scientific studies have shown that aerobic exercise can help to cure some symptoms. There are some physical therapies as well. Such as tai chai, yoga and swimming. Those activities can boost the effectiveness of medical therapies. Patients shouldn’t stop taking drugs without doctor’s consent as it may cause to be unable to move or difficulty breathing.


Parkinson’s disease symptoms can vary per person. Symptoms usually begin gradually and get worse over time. The most recognisable symptoms in Parkinson’s disease are movement-related problems. There are 4 major ones. Those include:

  • Shaking in hands, arms, legs, jaw, or head. The problem generally occurs at rest and disappears during voluntary movement and sleep.
  • Slowness of movement is found in every Parkinson’s disease patient. This symptom generally makes daily tasks like eating, dressing more difficult and time-consuming than ever. It is not something like a normal aging process would cause.
  • Balance problem and falls appears in the later stages of the disease and it may cause bone fractures and reduce mobility. Exercise is proven the only answer to stop this problem.
  • Stiffness of the limbs can be painful and limit the range of motion. It often appears asymmetrically at the early stages of the disease. With the progression of the disease, stiffness typically affects the whole body and becomes generalised.

Other than the shaking, slowness, balance problem and stiffness above, Parkinson’s disease can cause neuropsychiatric disturbances. This includes disorders of cognition mood, behaviour, and thought. The disease can also cause difficulty eating, speaking, urinary problems or constipation. It may also cause skin problems and sleep disruptions.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy for Parkinson’s disease aims to maintain and develop the daily functions of the patient. It includes exercises that improve mobility and maximise muscle strength and flexibility.

Physical therapies can be resistance training, music therapy, water exercises, walking, standard physical therapy and occupational therapy. Plenty of patients who attend these programmes have shown to help have a control at least one aspect of the disease.

Parkinson’s Care

Parkinson’s disease care must be planned in the long term with professionals. In Australia, NDIS approved teams can be considered the best possible help. Selectability NDIS Cairns says that a NDIS provider can help you get approved and find the best care possible if they themselves can’t.


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