How to Convert Roman Numerals in Google Sheets?

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Google Sheets is a free, cloud-based spreadsheet program that allows users to create and edit spreadsheets online. It is a popular tool used for various purposes, such as organizing data, tracking expenses, managing projects, and much more. One of the features of Google Sheets is the ability to convert Roman numerals to Arabic numerals, which can be helpful for data analysis and manipulation. In this article, we will discuss how to convert Roman numerals in Google Sheets.

How to Convert Roman Numerals in Google Sheets

A Roman numerals converter is a tool that allows you to convert Roman numerals to Arabic numerals or vice versa. It can be a physical or online tool that simplifies the conversion process

Understanding Roman Numerals

Roman numerals are a numeric system that originated in ancient Rome and were used throughout the Roman Empire. They consist of letters and symbols that represent specific values, such as I for one, V for five, X for ten, and so on. Understanding Roman numerals is important for various applications, including in literature, history, architecture, and design.

Setting up the Google Sheets document

To convert Roman numerals in Google Sheets, start by opening a new or existing spreadsheet document. Next, enter the Roman numeral values you want to convert in a cell or range of cells. You can also use the =ROMAN function to display Roman numerals from Arabic numerals or the =ARABIC function to display Arabic numerals from Roman numerals.

Using the ROMAN function to convert Roman numerals

The ROMAN function in Google Sheets allows you to convert Arabic numerals to Roman numerals. To use this function, select the cell where you want to display the Roman numeral and enter “=ROMAN(value)”, replacing “value” with the Arabic numeral you want to convert. The function will then display the corresponding Roman numeral.

Function to convert Arabic numerals to Roman numerals

The ARABIC function in Google Sheets allows you to convert Roman numerals to Arabic numerals. To use this function, select the cell where you want to display the Arabic numeral and enter “=ARABIC(value)”, replacing “value” with the Roman numeral you want to convert. The function will then display the corresponding Arabic numeral.

Combining functions to convert Roman numerals within a formula

You can also combine the ROMAN and ARABIC functions within a formula to convert Roman numerals to Arabic numerals or vice versa. For example, you can enter “=ARABIC(ROMAN value)” to convert a Roman numeral to Arabic or “=ROMAN(ARABIC value)” to convert an Arabic numeral to Roman. This can be useful for more complex calculations.

Tips for converting Roman numerals in Google Sheets

Here are some tips for converting Roman numerals in Google Sheets:

  1. Ensure the Roman numerals are entered correctly, using the correct letters and symbols.
  2. Use the ROMAN and ARABIC functions to convert numerals, as this is more accurate and efficient than manual conversion.
  3. Keep in mind that Roman numerals are not a positional system, so calculations may not work as expected.
  4. Use cell formatting options to adjust the appearance of Roman numerals, such as changing the font or colour.
  5. Double-check your conversions to ensure accuracy.


Converting Roman numerals in Google Sheets is a straightforward process that can be done using built-in functions. By understanding the basics of Roman numerals and using the correct functions, you can easily convert between Roman and Arabic numerals for various purposes. Remember to double-check your conversions and use cell formatting options for customization.

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