Creating a Holistic Home

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A Chinese practise called Feng Shui, creates a balance in our interior spaces with the natural world. With the use of energy forces, it creates harmony between individuals and their environment. To some it may feel obscure, but after taking the time to research into the philosophy behind Feng Shui. You can find it’s based on simple common sense that makes our homes feel happier, healthier, and more organised. It also reveals how connected humans are to their homes, and how they can affect your mood and well being.

Creating a Holistic Home


We are all guilty of accumulating possessions that we don’t need or play a function in our home. Clutter is visually displeasing as well as being an energetic anchor that can weigh you down. I think everyone can agree that they have been through a time in their lives where they have had a clear-out and felt a lot better afterward. The burden of clutter can stop you from having clarity of thought.

A solution is to only keep things in your home that has a purpose, whether that is physical or emotional in your life. Have organisational setups to keep your home clean and clear.

Clear The Path To The Front Door

In Feng Shui, the front door of any home is very important, it is the main portal that energy enters. An analogy used to have a better understanding of this statement is to imagine that chi is a visitor to your home, you want to make sure it is well marked, clearly lit, and visibly addressed.

You want to make sure you aren’t walking straight into a wall, this can be metaphoric for you feeling that you are up against the wall all day. An easy resolution is to hang a mirror. This is to help bring the idea of expanding opportunities into your life and stop you from feeling limited.

Give A Reason To Pause

Since energy accesses your home through the front door, also known as the main portal, you don’t want it to head straight out your home or up the stairs. To slow down the energy, add features to your home that causes you to pause and reflect.

Balance The Five Elements

Earth, wood, fire, water, and metal can be present in your home physically or symbolically. An example would be that a physical fire element would be a fireplace or candle, a symbolic fire element would be the use of warm tones like oranges and reds.

People are often attracted to the elements that they need or that are a cause of imbalance in their lives. Look closely at the literal and symbolic elements you can find in your home, as they can be the cause of imbalance in your emotional life. The idea from Feng Shui is to strike the balance between all five elements.

Balancing Materials

Feng Shui is set out to create unanimity in homes, consider balancing decor materials so that they don’t overpower. A great way to achieve this is by looking for pieces that harmonise the use of two materials. The contrasting materials used in furniture design, featured in the well known Eames DSW Chair, help to even the balance throughout your home.

Maximise Natural Light

It is common knowledge that natural light can make you feel happier and more positive. Elements that maximise the natural light in your home such as mirrors, white walls, etc are an adjustment that will make a big difference.

When following the feng shui guidance for your home, a key to remember is the concept is less about having the perfect styled home but about creating a happy and healthy environment for you to live in.

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