6 Ways You Can Encourage Your Employees to Sleep More

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There are famous people in history who enjoyed their napping times and never compromised on them – such as President Ronald Reagan. They are the proof that even the most successful people always take their time to rest.

However, most of us seem to struggle with the opposite problem – we are constantly resisting the urge to take naps or sleep much (even in the comfort of your denver mattress at home), thinking that they are a sign that you are lazy and do not want to put in as much work as anyone else. This is ingrained in you right from your school days, and eventually slips into your work life. In fact, a recent study revealed that at least 53 percent of companies and organizations actually encourage sleep deficiency by creating schedules for their employees that do not allow for rest times.

6 ways you can encourage your employees to sleep more

This makes many employees have a major problem with staying productive, because they are always tired at work. If you are an employer, read on to find some ways to encourage your employees to sleep for a healthier lifestyle.

Reduce their working hours

While it is great to do as much work as you can during the day, it is even more important to achieve a balance, regardless of whether you are an employer or employee. The problem is that we have learnt to prioritize work at the cost of everything else, but you can have a hand in changing that through the policies you make regarding working hours.

For instance, you can prevent your employees from accessing the email server from 6 p.m., something that is done in a company like Volkswagen – their Blackberry servers shut down as soon as official working hours are over.Beforetheir work shift, they will get access 30 minutes before, and they will lose access 30 minutes after their shift is over.

Incorporate walking meetings

Incorporate walking meetings

Amongst your employees, you might have some of them struggling with insomnia – you can help them tackle this issue by incorporating walking meetings. Some studies reveal that walking in the sun for at least 45 minutes to an hour can help them re-adjust their circadian rhythm, because of the exposure to sunlight.

Sotake cue from the sun itself. Instead of having the usual meeting in a boring board room, make it interesting avibrant by injecting some sense of life into it. For example, you can call your employees to an indoor race track, or a sports field, where you can combine the meeting and some interesting activities to get them up and running. This will ensure they go back to the office feeling active and productive at the same time.

Give them some flexibility in working schedules

It is very easy to get burnout, and it can sneak up on you without your knowledge. You gradually begin to feel less enthusiastic about your work, and the days start to become a chore for you – leaving you with little to no energy. If your employees are prone to suffering from burnout, then it is good to offer them some space for recovery.

Taking a vacation can seem like a daunting task because many times, they are unpaid. However, try offering a paid vacation and see if the employees are willing to take the offer, all for an unlimited number of days. This will encourage them to take breaks when they need to, and encourage them to form their own state of balance without undue pressure that leads to burnout and fatigue.

Reduce the delegation you do

Reduce the delegation you do

Let us be honest – an employee will never tell you they are not willing to take on a project (unless they are the brutally honest type). They will always smile, tell you its fine, and proceed to take on more than they can handle, because they think they can. It leaves them stressed and sleeping less, because they feel they must finish all the assignments that are due.

For this reason, try to reduce the delegation of work to employees, and only give them what they can comfortably handle. A productive employee is better than one who is forcing themselves to carry on, so it is important to also foster that environment for their sake.

Allow them to nap at work

This might seem strange with the trend of always being busy, but there is a reason why the body functions better when you allow it to take a rest – it helps to boost concentration and recovery. The good news is that there are more companies that encourage a tradition of workplace napping, through the provision of napping quarters where employees can go and shut off for some minutes, then get back on track.

If you notice your employee struggling with sleep deprivation and weariness, encourage them to go and sleep for some time – even if it is 30 minutes. Whether they can break for some sleep during lunch break or later in the day, this will help them improve their energy levels and reduce therate of unproductiveness.

Educate them

Educate them

Among the biggest problems of the busy society we live I is that employees are not paying sufficient attention to their own health – risking it in the name of work and being productive. However, as the employer, you do have a responsibility to safeguard the health and safety of your employees – you would not want them to stay at work all day yet struggle with output because of fatigue.

The first way you can do this is by educating them on the benefits of sleep, even if it may not have anything to do with their jobs. When teaching them about sleep education, you can also include pieces of research you have learnt from wellness articles and education, and spread this is the employee forums or bulletin boards.

In addition, you should teach your managers to spot the signs of fatigue or burnout in the employees working under them, such as dark circles under their eyes, poor performance, high consumption of caffeine, and so on.


Creating a healthy work culture first starts with fostering an environment where employees are free to take breaks as frequently as they need to, and teaching them about balancing their lives and work. These methods are some ways you can encourage that mindset in them.

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