How to Effectively Use Email Marketing To Grow Your E-commerce Business

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The biggest challenges about running an e-commerce business are the lack of in-person professional customer interaction. Therefore, driving traffic towards your e-commerce website is not an easy task. Thankfully, e-commerce email marketing enables entrepreneurs to overcome this obstacle and build valuable relationships with online customers through regular communication. And, it also attracts potential customers towards your online store which automatically results in higher sales.

How to Effectively Use Email Marketing To Grow Your E-commerce Business

E-commerce email marketing is one the most cost-effective ways to scale an e-commerce business. With an ROI of over 3800%, 56% of marketers say email is their top-performing channel for customer retention. This is the most effective way to build a strong relationship with your customers. Nowadays, the majority of retail brands have got it covered with their regular newsletters, promotions and automated welcome, birthday and shopping cart reminder emails. But, still, there is a huge untapped opportunity for retailers to leverage email and utilize it to communicate, attract, engage, convert and retain customers.

Email marketing uses pre-set workflows and sends specific emails according to the situation you define. This is extremely important to follow the best practices & strategies to create seamless, effective ongoing conversions with your subscribers. Follow these steps when planning your next email campaign.

Make the first impression with a welcome email

Make the first impression with a welcome email

Do not forget to send a welcome email to create the first impression of your brand or services on your customers or subscribers. Whenever a customer visits your e-commerce store, you must send a welcome mail in order to acknowledge your customers. Cover all new things and surprising elements like discount coupons. This way, one can develop a loyalty towards the brand and convey your brand’s personality so make sure that your mail is well-drafted.


Reward loyal customers with special discounts

Reward loyal customers with special discounts

To keep your customers coming back to your e-commerce store, you should always do the best to foster relationships with these customers. As we all know that no business would survive without loyal customers. One can create a loyalty program & invite customers who have engaged with your emails in the past. Thus, you can further cultivate these relationships and drive them back to your e-commerce store with special offers.


Personalize e-commerce email

Personalize e-commerce email

According to a study by MarketingSherpa, personalized emails result in 750 percent higher CTR and greater revenue for an e-commerce website. Addressing your audience by their first name and personalized subject lines results in higher open rate and click-through rate. Sending emails with content that’s tailored to the recipient is a surefire way to make your readers happy, and ultimately get them to make a purchase.


Abandoned cart emails

Abandoned cart emails

More than 15% of lost revenue can be recovered with abandoned cart emails. It can also increase your e-commerce business revenue by 50% in some of the cases. It has been seen that many times sending such emails have been used as customers respond to them by buying the items. So, you can effectively use email marketing to reduce cart abandonment. Encourage your customers to complete their purchase if they leave items in their cart. Send the first cart abandonment email within 60 minutes of abandonment, as a reminder of the products waiting in the cart.


Take benefits of special occasions

Take benefits of special occasions

Special occasions and holiday-themed email campaigns can bring a lot of extra customers to your e-commerce store. It covers a big portion of your annual sales. So, make sure that you can take advantage of these seasonal opportunities. Most email marketing campaigns make this easy by providing holiday templates for your emails that your customer will love.


Promotional offer emails

Promotional offer emails

For a variety of customers, promotional emails can be used in different ways. May you have a site-wide discount to tell your customers or you may launch a new product. These type of promotional emails can bring different conversion rates. Price decrease is the most successful, with 1.04% conversion rate. To make this possible, first have an email list ready for targeted customers and then you need to approach these peoples to buy products from your e-commerce store. One can effectively promote new offers by these campaigns.


Final words

Whenever you execute emails, keep your customers in your mind. The more useful your emails are, the more value they will provide to customers. And, this will increase your sales and revenues for your business. The email marketing strategies for e-commerce store outlined in this post have been effective to drive opens, clicks, and revenue for your online store. With a high-quality customer email list or content subscribers, your email campaigns should be one of your highest converting tools.

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