3 Things You Should Do If You Are the Victim of Police Brutality

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Police brutality is a real issue in this country and has been pretty much since the police force was established. These cases can be very difficult to gauge and fight, however, even after the George Floyd case. Fighting police precincts can feel like an uphill battle and victims often feel like there’s no point in trying to pursue these cases. But we’re here to tell you that you can and should get recourse if you feel like you have been mistreated by police in any way. Let’s take a look at some of the things you should do if you feel like you are the victim of police brutality.

3 Things You Should Do If You Are the Victim of Police Brutality

Get Medical Help as Soon as Possible

The very first thing you should do following a violent incident with the police is to go to a doctor. Not only will they treat your injuries, but they will be able to provide an official record of them. This will come in extremely handy when the time comes to prove your case.

It’s also very important that you follow any instructions a doctor gives you. Take every medication they tell you to take and go to every follow-up appointment. This will show the courts that your injuries are serious.

You should also note that the police officer must provide assistance or acquiesce to any demand to see a doctor following an incident. If you haven’t been given first aid or access to a doctor, going to a doctor and having your injuries assessed will strengthen your case and show that you have suffered cruel and unusual punishment.

Document as Much Evidence as You Can

Try to take as much footage of the scene and your injuries as possible. You should also get the name, badge number, and police department of the officer who caused the injuries. In addition, you should get the contact information of any witness that was present on the scene. Also make sure that you mark the location, day, and time of the accident.

Consult a Police Brutality Lawyer

The next thing you should do is gather your evidence and see a police brutality lawyer. Go for a lawyer who has a solid track record fighting these kinds of cases.

Don’t focus on huge settlements or high-profile cases either. Look up their court history and see how many cases they’ve won in and outside of court. You want a lawyer that is willing to go all the way for you but who is also wise and good enough to negotiate a good settlement for you if that’s the best option. A good lawyer will send orders to the police blocking them from deleting damning evidence too.

Look for experienced civil rights and police brutality lawyers; they’ll be able to sit down with you and look at whether you actually have a valid case on your hands and start looking at what kind of settlement or judgment you can expect to get.

This is all you need to know if you’ve suffered from police brutality and want retribution. Know that you can win against police departments and that you have every right to be compensated as long as you have an actual case.

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