Explore the Factors Contributing to Technical Debt & Effective Techniques to Manage It

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In today’s dynamic digital age, there is rapid growth in the financial services segment. Strict regulatory specifications and needs, perpetually shifting customer expectations along with disruptive technology are considered to be a few of the major factors that are continuously trying to reform and reshape the industry.

Many companies are fast realizing the hard reality that their present infrastructure and existing platforms are a big disappointment and unable to effectively facilitate the proliferation of the user-related capacities and the omnichannel which customers automatically expect post utilizing the consumer-friendly software along with the intuitive applications and consumer-friendly software that is developed by Apple and Google, the two Internet big shots.

Explore the Factors Contributing to Technical Debt & Effective Techniques to Manage It

We understand that technical debt may get started with the background of honorable purpose and noble intent but this often results in heart-breaking system failures. Remember that technical debt could be impeding your company’s productivity and efficiency in the long run. The technical debt would be instrumental in preventing progress thus, compelling startups to get bogged down and finally, go out of business.

When you visit Techwireasia, you would come across the findings of a recent survey conducted by Accenture. As per the findings, about 70 percent of the total surveyed 1000 executives belonging to the C-level have blamed technical debt for being significantly responsible for technological innovation. Moreover, 72% of those surveyed claimed that technical debt comes in the way of the seamless integration of innovative and latest tech into all their operations.

This opinion is supported and upheld by the findings of another survey wherein 64% of the executives have actually blamed their legacy systems and infrastructure as a great obstacle that has been hampering meaningful transformation. It is a well-known fact that developers go completely berserk when faced with technical debt as it comes in the way of smooth functioning of their business. Their job becomes increasingly difficult and definitely, more time-consuming. If you consider the fact that an organization ends up spending a huge amount for employing and training a fresh developer, technical debt is going to cost you a lot more if a developer is fed up with his job and quits in frustration because of technical debt. In this context, if anyone is reeling under the pressure of overpowering financial debts, he could get in touch with Nationaldebtrelief for perfect solutions.

The First Stage: Development of Whole New Software

Often the development of whole new software takes place in literally a commercially-demanding ambiance where quality would be following cost and time. The software in such a case would be created as a ‘Minimum Viable Product’ in order to serve primarily as a prototype or pilot system to deliver efficiently all the baseline capabilities. A wide range of options are usually examined throughout the entire development process and there is a possibility that the code has been actually written hastily. At this particular stage, the technical debt would actually be the precise difference between all the costs associated with the project delivery and the additional expenses for finishing the project so that all ensuing enhancements could be done smoothly sometime later.

The Second Stage: Continuing Software Maintenance

Maintenance is the key for staying abreast with the latest standards, dynamic third-party protocols, interfaces, and some other dependencies. You need to keep in mind that you simply cannot ignore certain updates such as modifications triggered because of regulatory compliance. This may culminate in certain parts or elements of the software to be improved, extended, re-factored or even rewritten. Sometimes, the original code’s functionality is simulated rather than reused or even modified as per the present context.

The Third Stage: Focus Is on Software Maintenance

We know that enterprise software mostly would be generated by incredibly large teams with the perfect acquisition of knowledge. Many years ago, the older systems had been created and are presently being used in banks and other big organizations. These professionals were very much involved in the overall design, development, then release, and ultimately, code testing. They were fully-conversant with each and every phase and facet of the actual development process. Many members of the core team must have quit their job and took away their expertise and knowledge.

The Chief Causes of Technical Debt

Technical debt could be the result of one primary cause or even more than a single cause. Here are some of the striking causes of Technical Debt.

  • Hugely complex technical design
  • Time pressures
  • Poor compatibility to the current standards
  • Insufficient testing
  • Lack of skill
  • Delayed refactoring

After a certain period of time, some of these factors would be contributing to the perpetual accumulation of technical debts that necessitate servicing in the future. We understand that unchecked technical debt would be forcing the software to be relatively more expensive to get it changed as compared to get it re-implemented.

Ways to Effectively Approach Technical Debt

Technical debt is a known concept in the software development landscape and that is primarily the reason why a host of metrics are very much present for effectively analyzing it. In this context, you must know that Cyclomatic complexity is actually supposed to be used for counting exactly how many linearly independent paths or choices are present right from the start to the finish in the source.

Even though technical debt does not appear to be a huge problem as of now, you must keep in mind that it has a tendency of snowballing and it would then gradually, make your specific code base more challenging and complex to maintain. The ultimate stage is when the whole product is rejected as legacy software since it requires way too much time and endeavors to restore it back to the advanced or the contemporary standards.


The first-rate consulting firms could become competent debt reduction partners and they could fully utilize their experience and exposure in tackling high-profile customers in diverse scenarios for approaching the issue with the tools, measures, methodologies, and even talent which it actually demands. Eventually, over a period of time, this is precisely what actually mitigates all technical debts effectively you should also check debt relief programs for veterans.

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